Friday, June 3, 2011

First week, plus grad ketchup.

Wow, life is good.

I always totally judged those people on Facebook that were like “I’m not lucky, I’m blessed,” and “I love my crazy beautiful life.”

It’s like, :eyeroll: puh-LEASE people, get it together( read: no one cares ). PLUS Facebook isn’t the place for that. In the words of one of my favorite fellow TGC alums, Megan Pouliot, get a diary (or a blog! hehe) .

But, here I am. Telling you. That things are going pretty dang well. Lucky for you, if you are reading this, it’s likely you like me enough to be curious about what’s going on...I’m not some random on your newsfeed.

I’m done with my first week at FH. After I found out I got the internship, I was telling people that it “couldn’t have worked out better,” and that “if I 100% had my choice of things to do after graduation this would be it,” and after this week, I mean it more than ever.

Best company. Best co-workers. Best clients.

I am learning so much every day, and get to be a part of a really wonderful thing.

Sacramento is great.

Living in Davis is a nice summer gig, but I am definitely already planning my exodus to midtown in August. The commute is some good thinking time, but I’d really like to live in the city.

So, that’s the present. Let’s rewind.

The last few weeks of school were a blur. Saying goodbye to the study abroad crew was totally tragic, but felt really right because everyone is moving in such a good direction. Big things are happening.

Got my grades, passed all my win on that. I for real graduated.

Graduation was a marathon of a day--heck, a marathon of a weekend. Lucky for me, I had wonderful friends to throw me a party, (royal wedding themed), hang with me endlessly and take me to an unforgettable brunch (i’m going to be a doctor!) and plan foreign excursions for this summer, next summer and summers after that.

HUGE thank you to the following: Sarah Best, Meghan Mattingly, Sarah Mann, Steven Carroll, Dan Hurst, Chris & Denis Carroll (next time your at the house i’ll fix your transmission!), and OF COURSE my wonderful family...whom I love so much.

Stay tuned for more fun internship posts! Be sure to check out my posts for FH on

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a really fun party theme! I love that cake! (if it wasn't yours then I hope yours looked just like that)

    Of course it couldn't have been quite as cool as the black and white party we got to celebrate with you when we were roomies! ;)
