Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Would A Rose By Any Other Name Smell As Sweet?

So... I am already behind on my 30 day challenge, but here's to playing catch up?

Work has be absolutely CRAZY this week, not that its ANY excuse but I leave in the dark, dark morning and come home in the dark, dark night.

I digress. Day Two: Explain your middle name.

I was born in May. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am Taurus through and through, from the stubborn tendencies to the unfailing loyalty.

That said, when I tell people my middle name is Mae, they always ask: oh, were you born in May?

Well, sure. I was. But that's a mere coincidence.

Mae is a family name.

I am merely the latest in a line of gals who bear the middle name Mae. I must say, I love that.

When I reached my mid-twenties (GASP!) I came to the realization that so many of my first real adult(ish) milestones have been reached as a Wallace. My first published story reads Caitlin Wallace, as well as my college diploma. Knowing that Mae will stick with me through the rest of life's big moments is the best of both worlds.

My mom and I have always been close, so I love it that we share a middle name. It feels appropriate to talk about her since today, January 11, is her birthday.

She and I share more than just a name. We share the same taste in movies, meals and muscle relaxants. We know exactly when to stash a Diet Coke in the fridge, purse or car. We both agree that the gift shop is really the most interesting room in any old European castle, even though it was likely built hundreds of years later.

We are both total anglophiles, and, to the astonishment of her current husband as well as my father, woke up at 2 am to watch Kate and Wills tie the royal knot until the final coverage subsided around 5 am PST.

I've always struggled with the whole, "things happen for a reason" concept, which is maybe why certain prayers have yet to be answered. I am undoubtedly being taught patience, trust and let's be real, life lessons; BUT there is no doubt in my mind that I was born into the right family.

I have my Dad's sense of humor and body (thanks for that?), but I'm mostly my mom. I like to think God knew we would need each other to make it through this life and on to the next.

Here's to my middle name and (hopefully) my daughter's after that.

**The photo above is of me, mumsy and her sister, my aunt, the last time we were all in San Francisco together. We were in the lobby of the Orpheum to see Wicked!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


So, when you graduate college and enter the "real world," a funny thing happens.

You lose the will to live.

Okay, okay, it's not THAT dramatic. But things do change drastically.

A few years ago I read a blog post (that I have yet to come across again) about a girl who graduated college and found herself a few months later, sobbing in the shower. This gal had been a well-adjusted co-ed who found herself, soon after she left the safe confines of her college existence, lost and confused about what the next step was.

Sure, she had a job. She had friends. She lived on her own. Her life was, as they say, on track.

He whole life had been about goals. Go to kindergarten. Get to elementary school. Start junior high. Make the high school cheerleading team. Be asked to prom. Receive a college acceptance letter.

Find an apartment.Choose a major. Study abroad. Complete an internship. Graduate.

Get a job.

Okay so I made the last few parts up as they are applicable to me. But, you get the point. Hopefully, you see that all this is to say, I am feeling a bit aimless.

Sure, I love love love my job. I have fantastic coworkers and phenominal clients.

But a full life is well-rounded. Therefore, new year, new attitude. This year is going to be about goals.

But, I'm going to start small. I was on Facebook tonight and came across the blog post of a fantastic gal pal from BYU-I who has decided to do a 30 day challenge of posts.

The first day is the task of posting a picture of yourself and telling 10 things people might not know about you.

The photo above is of me in April 2010 on the St. Charles bridge in Prague, Czech Republic. It was one of my most favorite days, ever. Here goes:

10. I watch at least one episode of Gilmore Girls every day. It makes me feel like things will turn out okay.

9. I cry at everything. I cry when I'm happy. I cry when I'm sad. I cry during Grey's Anatomy. I cry at church. I cry when people talk about France. I cry when I can't get PeopleBrowsr to work. The Golden Gate Bridge literally makes me sob.

8. I can almost never turn down cake. Chocolate, vanilla, red velvet, ice cream. You name it. I seriously love it.

7. My mom is my best friend.

6. I love the rain. I'd take the rain over the sun any day. I love the smell of the pavement when it rains after it hasn't for a long time. I love the sound of the rain on the roof and windows. I feel like when it rains, everyone can start over.

5.Contrary to popular belief, my future husband does not need a trust fund or a Mercedes. Just endless patience, a sense of humor and long legs.

4.I have several serious vices, one major one is Diet Coke. My dentist has been scolding me since my late teens, but hey, I'm keeping him in business.

3. I have never understood why people in Australia are not upside down. The concept of gravity is just too much for me.

2. I would rather walk than drive.

1. I am allergic to Ibuprofen, which is in like every medicine ever. So please never offer me Advil.

So, that's it for today!