Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Battersea Park Road to Enlightenment

I am always looking for a way to relax.

For the better part of my life, I have been described as "outgoing, high strung, talkative, bubbly", and various other adjectives that suggest that I have a lot of energy.

For the most part, this is all true...and was never news to my parents during parent-teacher conferences in elementary school.

As I have moved into my adult life (I use adult loosely, mind you) I have begun a quest to better myself (haven't we all), and have a more zen-like attitude toward challenges and special trials that come hurling my way.

Along with yoga and deep breathing techniques, I have also been going long and hard at the gym to keep myself from getting anxious (and gaining weight, let's be real).

But lately, it has felt like I needed another component to the mix, something for the mind.

Then it happened, one Saturday afternoon at Book In Bar, where things of a intellectual nature often manifest themselves.

I was glancing at a section of books in my favorite English bookshop, and there was a small card tent atop of a pile of books that read, "Book singing, Isabelle Losada, March 4th, 5:30pm".

Underneath the card tent were two books:
The Beginners Guide to Changing the World (Way too much pressure)
The Battersea Park Road to Enlightenment.

I found myself thinking, "I'd like to be enlightened...when else am I really going to get the chance to do this..sounds excellent"

10 Euro later I had my blue book in hand and was off to be enlightened!

It has been an excellent read! It was really fun to have read it when we did in fact meet Isabelle. Sarah read the Beginners she is more youthful and idealistic than me.

We were the only Americans in the room, and the youngest gals there by at least 15 years...but it was worth it! Isabelle was as hysterical as she writes, and just as charming.

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